Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Viewpoint Event Postponed

Because of a slightly lower sign up than we hoped (due to the busy christmas period) we have had to postpone the next viewpoint event scheduled for tommorrow night and have moved it to the 19th January. 

We hope you can join us then
Let us know if you have any questions,

Steven Taylor
02392 688508

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Does my Society Look Big In This???? Next Viewpoint

The next Viewpoint event will be held on the 14th December at 5pm in the View Cafe in the Civic Offices.

This time we will be looking at Health, Wellbeing and Choice and have confimed Tony Horne from the University of Portsmouth as a speaker.  The changes in the NHS and the new localism agenda have implications for all of us and the people we work with and will be discussed along with a number of other topics.

Come along and share your views

Register here

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Bring on the Big Society

The third of the Viewpoint series of events focussed on new rights being given to communities, local government staff and individual members of the public through the Localism Bill.  The rights to challenge, buy and build are all new and different ways of thinking about how services will be delivered in the future.  

Paddy May, the councils strategy manager gave an overview on these new rights that are contained in the Localism Bill that has now received royal assent.  Paddy mentioned that the changes such as the right to challenge are not about functions but rather about the services local councils provide.  So accountability for planning applications, for example, will not be taken away from elected councillors as this is a vital function of local councils.  This new right is about someone offering to provide an existing service in a better way. 

Monday, 7 November 2011

Bring on the Big Society

Next Viewpoint:
Bring on the Big Society!
The Community Right to Challenge,Bid, Buy and Build

16th November @ 5pm
View Cafe, Civic Offices

As promised we will be looking in detail at the upcoming changes to the rights of communities to buy, bid and build community assets and services.

Follow this link to register to attend.

Grow Your Own

A new programme helping local authorities to develop their local social enterprise sector

Grow Your Own is new programme of support for local authorities that want to bolster their capacity to work with social enterprises. The programme draws from experience working with social enterprises, social entrepreneurs and local authorities to accelerate transformative change at the local level.

If you would like to find out more please read this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HF7EKlOooPd5fQvLVYwesmKZ0WFpuOfaHZ0vXnF1MDE/edit   

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Is the feeling mutual? Mutuals, social enterprise & co-operatives

Last Thursday saw the second viewpoint event held in the view cafe on guildhall square.  Richard Sant and Nicola Waterman shared their views on mutuals and social enterprises.  There was also discussion and questions from the floor about the differences and similarities between the two and what this all means for public services going forward.

The recordings of the speakers and further comment on the event will follow shortly.

The document Nicola wrote and used at the event can be viewed here:

Keep checking the blog for further updates

New article on mutuals in the public sector


This may be of interest to all those who attended the last viewpoint event.  

Friday, 21 October 2011

Hampshire School for Social Entrepreneurs - Graduation

People Powered - HSSE Graduation

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Working for More than Profit

A social entrepreneur is someone working for social good through an enterprising activity. With social enterprises in the UK contributing nearly £25bn to our economy every year, and creating an average of 20 opportunities for work or training each, it’s a very important sector.

Joining the ranks of the social entrepreneurs this year are 12 local change-makers graduating from the Hampshire School for Social Entrepreneurs. PEOPLE POWERED is a showcase event for these innovative and exceptional people. 

Monday, 17 October 2011

Public Sector Mutuals

Nicola Waterman from Portsmouth City Council has prepared this document on public sector mutuals that may be of interest before the next meeting. 

Take a look at the document:  https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B70jh7wvnBP5NjBlODliZTktODA0NC00NTJmLWE0MzctZWJiODY1Zjc3NjA3&hl=en_US

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

James Sandy's Presentation notes

In the first Viewpoint event I spoke about some recent research from the University of Manchester which focuses on community participation and the things that motivate people to take on civic roles.

You can read Peter John, Edward Fieldhouse, Hanhua Liu's full article at the following link: 

Below are the notes I used for the session:

Monday, 10 October 2011

Is the feeling mutual? Mutuals, social enterprise & co-operatives

Thursday 20th October 2011 - 5pm @ Viewpoint Cafe

2nd of the Viewpoint events.  Richard Sant from the University of Portsmouth and other invited guests will be speaking to us.  Anyone with an interest in social enterprises and mutuals and the localism agenda is welcome to come along and join in the discussion.
Download the agenda for the meeting here.

Register to attend here.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Still struggling with the big society? How about now?

Last night Portsmouth City Council hosted a Viewpoint event entitled ‘Still Struggling with the Big Society’.  We had a great discussion around people’s perception of what the Big Society means and how it will affect Portsmouth. 

Three speakers shared their views on the history, viability and progress so far of the Big Society concept.  These talks generated debate around accountability and accessibility of the policy and whether it can apply in the same way across the country. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Still struggling with the big society?

 Still struggling with the big society? 
Where are we? and what is it now?

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Questions debated at September Viewpoint event workshops

1. Is Portsmouth’s society “broken” or “getting bigger”?

2. What is the potential of the big society in Portsmouth?

3. Who is being left behind in the big society?
  • Social and economic groups?
  • Geographic areas?
4. Do efficiency programmes support or undermine the big society?

5. How do we build the “big society” army in Portsmouth?